Why do so many people consider massage a luxury?
We service our car because we rely on it to get around and we deem that important.
We maintain our House, otherwise it’ll deteriorate and it won’t house us adequately.
So why do we consider servicing our bodies as a luxury?
It’s a really good question. What is this idea, that massages are pampering when really it’s a part of our self-care?
Our muscles work hard for us every day. They toil under the weight of gravity and whatever direction we put it in, and whatever pressure we put it under, but yet we consider ourselves last.
Our hands are constantly doing things, touching things, communicating with the world, but when is the last time you had a hand massage or had work done on your hands?….and your feet? Your feet are your connection with the Earth. Day-to-day, your feet keep you planted on the ground, taking you to your destination, yet rarely we put our feet up or rarely we touch them to give them the self-care that they require, our feet are a representation of how we carry ourselves through our life.
So why do we put ourselves last is the echoing cry? Now this is a really good question.
It’s so important that we take care of our bodies, whatever that looks like and it can start with just small things.
It could be just drinking more water, it could be making healthier choices in our diet. It could be having your regular GP check-up or going for a walk on the beach. But massage…. a luxury….Hmm, I think the times have changed!
Now I think massage is an important part of our day-to-day care. Self-care for our bodies.
If I maintain that musculature, I’m keeping myself in an agile state.
When I keep myself in an agile state, I’m more relaxed when I’m more relaxed. I make better decisions when I make better decisions. I feel more productive when I’m more productive. I feel fulfilled. I feel like I’ve had a sense of purpose, so it’s not just massage – Then it’s self-care, It’s really honoring the body as a temple, and how you respect it!.
Now, the other facet of this is if I respect my body and give it self-care and I’ve got that standard for myself and other people. We’re going to see, how I live my life and you could say it’s by example ,but really, you’re just showing that you are taking care of yourself. Imagine if everyone in the world took care of themselves?
How would the world be different? Now, I’m not talking about, from a selfish perspective, I’m talking from a healthy perspective. People with healthy boundaries, people who want to get the job done. People who aren’t run ragged or burning the candle at both ends. People living in societies where people communicate well with each other because they feel good about who they are.
So question yourself, do you still consider massage to be a luxury?
After listening to this or reading it, it really is an opportunity to bend your thoughts to consider where you’re at with your self-care and why massage in particular in this case is important to you and not a luxury, that’s something that you do for good healthy self-maintenance.
I hope you enjoyed this reflection today and please reach out if you want to work with me.