Are you experiencing long term anger?
A frustration that refuses to go away?
A problem that makes your life difficult?
The thing is, behind that anger is passion.
All that energy is the catalyst for big change and it‘s the energy of a volcano that creates new life in a situation that requires change.
So what do you do with this anger? You learn how to harness it!
You manage it and forward all this energy to the things that you love and serve you.
It means honouring the deep vulnerable part of yourself that gets angry in the first place.
Now don’t get me wrong… I’m not saying you’ll never experience anger… however when you first experienced anger in your life as a child, you didn’t know what to do with it. Then on top of that there were all the other emotions of the people around you going on and all the miscommunications and misunderstandings.
So your first experience usually started without the tenderness or awareness from the people around you in the situation, which is okay because everyone was doing the best they can. Now the only thing here is with those ‘misunderstandings’ or ‘miscommunications’ we are left with confusion of what happened and this can leave some unanswered questions later in life.
Just remember the body keeps score… until one day somebody says something that takes you back to that moment when you were a child and were confused about what happened and your need wasn’t met with softness and tenderness required.
Learning ways to manage anger even when someone pushes your buttons takes strength but also the courage to be kind to yourself and look at what’s behind the feeling.
When you understand the need behind it, you can transform the feeling and all that pent up anxiety and frustration moves away or transforms.
This is why you hear the phrase “the answers lie within”
In peace Marina